Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Corn Palace

As you're driving down I-90 toward the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, everything you came west for, you begin to see signs for "The Corn Palace". The Corn Palace is located in Mitchell, South Dakota and at first you only see a few signs, but quickly enough they're everywhere, practically every other mile post; "It's A-Maize-ing", "The World's Largest Corn Feeder", "something that's difficult to Corn-ceptualize".

You say to yourself that's it's out of the way, it'll take to long, it's a waste of time. But you know that you will kick yourself if you get this close and don't stop. In the end, you don't have a chance, you give over to it.

The building is famous for the huge, colorful Murals on its sides, which are made entirely of grain and corn. 

Basically, It's a convention center. When basketball teams play there it's referred to as "playing the Palace". 

In any case, it's worth a stop - who knows when you'll get to make a fool of yourself with an ear of corn again...

1 comment:

  1. Hey that must be a distant relative of Hot Dog Man...
