Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Les Petites

I thought life as I had known it up to then, or at the very least my vacation, was going to come to a quick end Monday night as we gathered at the Florer's farm. We were intending to supper on the last of the summer sweet corn, but alas, Les Petites had other ideas; they had decided on a walk-about...

As usual, Steve was in the corn. I was in charge of the girls, but mea culpa, my attention was diverted as I was tending to Erma's needs at the same time. The girls obviously had talked this over and between them had a plan. As soon as I turned my back, they bolted and when I looked up, they were gone...I mean really gone.

Panic immediately started to set in - I knew in my heart that my Princess was not going to be happy and that whatever hit the fan, most of it was coming my way. 

On the plus side I had had them roped to each other so I figured how far could they get? We found the rope wrapped around a much for the rope idea. I had visions of them lost in a hundred acres of corn, never to be seen again. In Iowa, the cornfields stretch all the way to Indianapolis - there is corn everywhere. 

Nearly ten of us joined in the search by the time it was all said and done. As it turned out they were a mile down the road playing havoc with the traffic and chatting up the golfers at the local club.

Needless to say, they're on a short leash Sweet Pea has graciously forgiven my transgressions and all is right with the world.

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